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Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE): Cleaning and Maintenance

Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE): Cleaning and Maintenance

Respiratory protective equipment (RPE) is designed to protect the wearer from inhaling hazardous materials and prevent serious long-term health conditions later in life. Neglecting this equipment can have a detrimental impact on the safety levels a mask will provide. Proper cleaning and maintenance is an essential part of ensuring respiratory masks achieve optimum performance and maximise…

importance of having a proper face fit test

Why is it important to have a face fit test?

It is important to have a ‘Face Fit’ test as this ensures you and your team are properly protected from any hazardous materials on site. Increasing awareness of the damaging impacts of exposure to dust particles on construction sites highlights the importance of not just wearing a mask but wearing a properly fitted mask. Individual…

Pro 2000 Filter: Can a reusable mask filter block a virus?

The short answer is yes, in most cases the Pro 2000 PF10 P3 filter can protect the user from viruses. There are, of course, some things to consider when looking at the efficiency to filter out viruses though. The filter is an incredibly fine mesh which works by blocking the virus particles from coming through…

Do you need a face fit test for a Scott Aviva 40 half mask?

Whether you are a seasoned wearer of protective equipment, or you are new to the world of half mask respirators, the requirements and specifications can often be confusing! This article will explain what a face fit test is, what a Scott Aviva 40 half mask can protect you against, and whether you will need to…