Home | Company News | Beacon International’s Journey to a Greener Future: Reducing Our Carbon Footprint by 8.2 Tonnes CO2e

Beacon International’s Journey to a Greener Future: Reducing Our Carbon Footprint by 8.2 Tonnes CO2e

Introduction: At Beacon International, we are committed to creating a sustainable environment and playing our part in fighting climate change. We are proud to share that our efforts have been acknowledged by Low Carbon Workspaces, who have commended us for significantly reducing our carbon footprint over the past year. In this blog post, we will share the steps we took and the fantastic results we achieved.

The Lighting Retrofit Project: Recognising the need to improve our energy efficiency, we decided to install LED lighting throughout our facility. The transition from traditional lighting to LED lighting substantially impacted our energy consumption and carbon emissions.

The Results: Our investment in LED lighting technology dramatically reduced our annual lighting electricity usage. Here are the key figures:

  • Pre-installation lighting electricity usage: 48,053 kWh
  • Post-installation lighting electricity usage: 9,290 kWh
  • % reduction in lighting load: 81%

As a result of this change, we achieved the following energy and carbon savings:

  • Annual electricity saving: 38,763 kWh
  • Carbon saving (using the UK grid electricity carbon conversion for 2022-23): 8.182 tonnes CO2e

To put this into perspective, the amount of carbon saved is equivalent to the weight of an African elephant!

Conclusion: We are proud of our commitment to sustainability and grateful for the recognition from Low Carbon Workspaces. Our successful LED lighting project is just the beginning, and we will continue to seek opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint further and create a greener future for all.